Utah State University Geosciences invites applicants for multiple, fully funded PhD and MSc positions. Potential research topic areas and contact information for advisors include:
Earthquake Science: Dr. Srisharan Shreedharan (srisharan.shreedharan@usu.edu) and Dr. Alexis Ault (alexis.ault@usu.edu) seek graduate students to investigate earthquake processes using rock deformation/friction experiments, numerical modeling, micro- to nano-scale investigations of natural and experimental fault rocks, and fault rock thermochronometry.
Paleoclimatology & Paleoceanography: Dr. Don Penman (donald.penman@usu.edu) seeks graduate students to investigate the climate and carbon-cycle dynamics of Early Cenozoic warm periods using the geochemistry of microfossils in deep-sea sediments.
High-temperature Geochemistry & Igneous Petrology: Dr. Katie Potter (katie.potter@usu.edu) seeks one MS student to conduct research on the geochemistry of olivine and melt inclusions associated with the Tristan-Gough-Walvis hotspot track.
Geochemistry of Geofluids: Dr. Dennis Newell (dennis.newell@usu.edu) seeks graduate students to investigate the records of modern or ancient geofluid-rock interaction using stable isotope geochemistry.
Groundwater Hydrogeology: Dr. Tom Lachmar (tom.lachmar@gmail.com) is recruiting one MS student for a groundwater modeling study in southeastern Utah.
USU and the Department of Geosciences are committed to cultivating a diverse, equitable, and inclusive community. Students from groups traditionally underrepresented in geosciences are encouraged to apply.
If interested, please contact the respective faculty member(s) associated with the projects above. Review of applications start the first week of January 2024, and GRE’s are no longer required for admission. For more information about the application process visit: https://www.usu.edu/geo/graduate-program/future-graduates