Geology of Canadian Mineral Deposit Types

Editors: O.R. Eckstrand, W.D. Sinclair, and R.I. Thorpe

Published as part of the Decade of North American Geology (DNAG) Geology of North America series, this volume defines and summarizes in a comprehensive and systematic manner the essential characteristics of all economically significant types of Canadian mineral deposits. These summaries reflect the current understanding of mineral deposits and correspond closely to the definition of mineral-deposit types in common use. A large color section serves to illustrate details of some of these mineral deposits, and locations of all known deposits are presented on an oversize figure and are indexed in an appendix, as well. Like previous volumes of this type, this volume will be a long-standing premier reference for academia, industry, and government institutions alike.

View the entire DNAG collection.

[ Table of Contents ]

Published: 1/01/1995

ISBN Number: 0660131366

Pages: 640

Product Category: EBooks
