Regional Geology of Eastern Idaho and Western Wyoming

Editors: Paul Karl Link, Mel A. Kuntz, and Lucian B. Piatt

Summarizes the complex geology of the Idaho-Wyoming thrust belt, the Basin and Range, and the Snake River Plain provinces of the northern Rocky Mountains. This work evolved from the U.S. Geological Survey's Snake River Plain project, coordinated by the late Steven S. Oriel, to whom the volume is dedicated. Includes a 17 my historical synthesis of the area covering thermal, volcanic, and tectonic effects of the passage of the Yellowstone hot spot (with an accompanying geologic map of volcanic fields, neotectonic types, and altitudes near the track of the hot spot). Regional and local discussions are presented that include extensional tectonics related to Basin and Range deformation; the Snake River Plain within a volcanic, petrologic, and stratigraphic framework; a summary of Pleistocene basaltic volcanism; correlations of Ignimbrites of the Neogene Heise Volcanic Field; and Quaternary sediments in the American Falls area.

[ Table of Contents ]

Published: 12/03/1992

ISBN Number: 0-8137-1179-7

Pages: 312

Product Category: EBooks
