Travel Grants

Section Grants

Financial assistance is offered to undergraduate and graduate students who are members of GSA for travel to both the GSA Geographic Section meetings and the national GSA Annual Meeting. Follow the links below for instructions on how to apply.

GSA Student Travel Fund

GSA's meeting attendees can contribute to this fund via their Annual Meeting registration form. The number and amount of awards are be based solely on contributions received.

100% of the contributions received will go to help fund student travel to the GSA Annual Meeting. If there is an excess of funds left over, the remaining money will go back into the Student Travel Fund for next year's annual meeting.

On To the Future (OTF) Travel Awards

GSA offers partial travel awards to students from underrepresented groups to attend their first GSA Annual Meeting. Check the On To the Future web page for guidelines and application deadlines.

Division Travel Grants

Check the "Students & ECPs" page on your Section's meeting website to see if a Division grant is being offered for the upcoming meeting.

International Travel Grants to GSA Meetings

Please visit the GSA International Web page for more information on travel grants to the GSA Annual Meeting.

The Society does not have programs that provide financial assistance for travel to the USA for education.