Full title: Iceland: The Formation and Evolution of a Young, Dynamic, Volcanic Island—A Field Trip Guide
Authors: Brennan T. Jordan, Tamara L. Carley, and Tenley J. Banik
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This field trip guide contains an introduction to the geology of Iceland and an itinerary for a 10-day journey around the island. The itinerary consists of 55 stops and 15 optional stops. These stops include exposure to representative examples of most phenomena typical of the island's geology and all of the major tectonic elements of Iceland. The primary focus of this guide is on volcanic and tectonic features, but topics such as glaciation, geothermal energy, geomorphology, paleontology, soil loss, and geo-tourism are also addressed.
[ Table of Contents ]
Published: 6/18/2019
ISBN Number: 978-0-8137-0054-0
Pages: 118
Product Category: Field Guides
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