GSA Connects 2024—Southern California Geo-Sites

Front and back covers of California map stacked on top of one another.
Compiled by Chelsea M. Feeney in collaboration with Christopher M. Bailey

Copublished by GSA and Mountain Press Publishing Company.

Inspired by the geology and excitement surrounding GSA Connects 2024 in Anaheim, California, USA, this map showcases southern California geology. The front of the map provides information about geo-sites, including those featured in Connects 2024 trips, and refers you to related papers from GSA Field Guide 70: From Coastal Geomorphology to Magmatism, Geology Underfoot in Southern California, and California Rocks! The back provides maps and even a geologic time scale, illustrating the “Water in Our Changing World” and “Life along an Active Margin” themes. Indulge your interest in always dynamic southern California with this map! Two-sided sheet is 24" × 36" (folded only)

Published: 08/30/2024

Dimensions: 24" long × 36" wide (folded)

Product Code: MCH107f

Product Category: Maps and Charts
