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Figure 3.
Results of river water biogeochemical analyses plotted for 25 sampled basins. (A) Chloride. (B) Mean annual precipitation. (C) Percent agricultural land use. (D) Sulfate. (E) Conductivity. (F) E. coli. (G) Bicarbonate. (H) Total dissolved solids. (I) Total dissolved nitrogen. (J) Silica. (K) Chemical denudation rate. (L) Orthophosphate as phosphorus. (M) Potassium. (N) Sampled basins overlain on generalized geological map (French and Schenk, 2004). Letters show location of photos in Figure 2. Four basins (CU-120, -121, -122, and -132 labeled with red text and points) have distinct water chemistry. Dots represent sample sites. Stars shows reservoir water samples (Betancourt et al., 2012). (O) Dissolved organic carbon.
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