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Figure 2.
Traditional geologic map used to share field measurements, observations, and interpretations in 2D plan-view. This geologic map was constructed from the integration of traditional fieldwork methods (measured sections as well as paleoflow and bedding measurements) with digital outcrop model mapping to characterize heterolithic channel-belt deposits exposed at Dinosaur Provincial Park, southeastern Alberta, Canada. Field- based Facies Associations (FA)1—sandy point bar; FA2—heterolithic point bar; FA3—Counter-point bar; FA4—abandoned channel; FA5—mudstone. Bedding surfaces, noted in Figure 1 (red), were digitally mapped on the 3D model and yield a more refined and detailed interpretation of accretion surface orientation and stratigraphic architecture. These methods are being widely applied, yet the results are difficult to disseminate and share in 3D.
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