Full Title: Neogene-Quaternary Continental Margin Volcanism: A Perspective from México
Editors: Claus Siebe, José Luis Macías, and Gerardo J. Aguirre-Díaz
This volume represents the culmination (follow-up) of a successful Penrose Conference held in January 2004 at foot of Popocatépetl volcano in central México, where more than 100 specialists gathered to discuss magmatic arc volcanism in the Americas. Petrological and geochemical issues, eruption dynamics, hazard studies, and other topics relating to arc volcanoes were treated in great detail. This volume includes the most recent advances in our knowledge of the subduction-related Trans Mexican Volcanic Belt. This area is densely populated and includes some of the most beautiful, but potentially most dangerous, volcanoes in the world.
[ Table of Contents ]
Published: 4/27/2006
ISBN Number: 0813724023
Pages: 329
Product Category: EBooks