Full title: Roadside Geology of Connecticut and Rhode Island
Author: James W. Skehan
Connecticut and Rhode Island may be small, but they contain some of the most interesting geology on earth—1.2-billion-year-old rocks, parts of at least six former continents, volcanic island chains, and the footprints of dinosaurs. James W. Skehan's Roadside Geology of Connecticut and Rhode Island, the latest book in the acclaimed Roadside Geology series, now brings these ancient worlds to life. With twenty road guides, complete with maps, diagrams, and more than 100 color photographs, Roadside Geology of Connecticut and Rhode Island locates and explains the rocks and landforms visible from the states' highways and at nearby parks and historic sites. Readers will discover "stretched" pebbles at Purgatory Chasm, folded marble at Kent Falls State Park, dinosaur footprints at Dinosaur State Park, and glacial moraines protruding from the waters of Block Island and Long Island Sounds.
Published: 9/15/2008
ISBN Number: 9780878425471
Pages: 304
Dimensions: 6 × 9
Format: Paperback
Product Code: 236-RDGCTRI
Product Category: Roadside Geology