Full title: Alaska Dinosaurs, Mammoths, and More
Author: Kirk Johnson
Illustrator: Ray Troll
Explore the world of fascinating prehistoric creatures that once roamed ancient Alaska. This engaging richly illustrated picture book is the perfect introduction to Alaska's dinosaurs. It opens with an irresistible, jam-packed map of Alaska fossils, and then proceeds through a timeline of prehistoric creatures that inhabited ancient Alaska's oceans and forests. Discover thalattosaurs, giant sea lizards who lived over 200 million years ago, and the mysterious "desmos," a prehistoric marine mammal that looked like a hippo but might be related to horses and rhinos and roamed the region 20 million years ago, and many more! This dynamic picture book is perfect for curious kids ages 8-12 and dinophiles of all ages. Published by Sasquatch Books.
Published: 1/25/2025
ISBN Number: 9781632175496
Dimensions: 11 × 8.5
Pages: 32
Product Code: AKDINO
Product Category: Specialty Items and Tools