Editor: William L. Graf
New ideas, new techniques, new data, even new access to extraterrestrial worlds-all these are now in greater abundance than ever, making this, the editor says, a marvelous time to be a geomorphologist! This 14-paper volume has been prepared by the Geomorphology Division of GSA as its contribution to the Decade of North American Geology (DNAG). Subjects treated are Regional Geomorphology of North America; Appalachian Mountains and Plateaus; Atlantic and Gulf Coast Province; Central Lowlands; Canadian Shield; Great Plains; Rocky Mountains; Colorado Plateau; Basin and Range; Central America and the Caribbean; Columbia and Snake River Plains; Interior Mountains and Plateaus; Pacific Coast and Mountain Systems; and Arctic Lowlands.
View the entire DNAG collection.
Published: 1/01/1987
ISBN Number: 0813753023
Pages: 643
Product Category: EBooks