Editors: H.J. Gluskoter, D.D. Rice, and R.B. Taylor
This volume, published as part of the Decade of North America (DNAG) and the Geology of North America series, includes sections on Mineral Deposits (7 chapters on metals and 4 on industrial minerals); Oil and Gas (3 chapters on principles and 12 synthesizing major oil and gas basins); and Coal (3 chapters on principles and 5 synthesizing major coal provinces, including Alaska). Six large plates summarize distribution resources of all resources discussed in the text, two more plates compare cross-sections of major oil and gas basins at a common horizontal and vertical scale, and another shows a major reconstruction of a Pennsylvanian coal swamp.
View the entire DNAG collection.
Published: 1/01/1991
ISBN Number: 0813752140
Pages: 622
Product Category: EBooks