Developed & Written: Christine V. McLelland
Revised: Shannan M. Shaw
Explore the different types of energy, the use of energy, including electricity, and the different technologies we employ and are developing to meet our energy needs. This resource includes extensive teacher background, energy activities, and colorful 3-D models to use in your classroom.
GSA’s E-Teach resources were developed in the 2000s and revised in 2014-2015. These resources have not been aligned to the current Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), and GSA has no plans to make further updates to these resources to reflect changes in the scientific understanding of the topics they contain. Please feel free to download these materials and use them at face value. The resources are now being offered free of charge to the education community.
Published: 1/26/2015
ISBN Number: 0-8137-7628-7
Product Category: ETeach