Editors: Carol S. Prentice, Judith G. Scotchmoor, Eldridge M. Moores, and Jon P. Kiland
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Field trips associated with the 100th Anniversary Conference, 18 23 April 2006, San Francisco, California.
The twenty field trip guides in this volume represent the work of earthquake professionals from the earth science, engineering, and emergency management communities. The guides were developed to cross the boundaries between these professions, and thus reflect this diversity: trips herein focus on the built environment, the effects of the 1906 earthquake, the San Andreas fault, and other active faults in northern California. Originally developed in conjunction with the 100th Anniversary Earthquake Conference held in San Francisco, California, in April 2006, this book is meant to stand the test of time and prove useful to a wide audience for general interest reading, group trips, or self-guided tours.
2007 recipient of the Geoscience Information Society's "Best Guidebook Award"
Published: 5/01/2006
ISBN Number: 0-8137-0007-8
Pages: 416
Product Category: Field Guides