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Tanafjord-Varangerfjord Area, Finnmark, North Norway

Tanafjord-Varangerfjord Area, Finnmark, North Norway

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Full Title: Neoproterozoic Glacial and Associated Facies in the Tanafjord-Varangerfjord Area, Finnmark, North Norway

By: A.H.N. Rice, Marc B. Edwards, and T.A. Hansen

The Neoproterozoic glacial deposits of north Norway (snowball Earth Marinoan-aged Smalfjord and the younger Gaskiers-aged Mortensnes Formations) are superbly documented and illustrated in this comprehensive eight-day field guide. Lodgement, banded, deformation, flow, and melt-out diamictites derived from gneissic, clastic, and dolomitic sources are described, as well as glaciomarine, proglacial, and fluvioglacial sediments. Outcrops showing glaciotectonic folds, faults, flanking structures, shear-sense criteria (sigma-clasts), fluidized sediments, pro- and subglacial channels, iceberg dump structures, ghost clasts, dropstones, ice-crystal molds, and a ?kettle hole are included. The classic glacial striations at Oaibaccanjar'ga are described in detail. Marinoan cap dolostones overlying the Smalford Formation are included. In comparison to other Neoproterozoic glacial successions, this area is easily accessible by airplane and/or car, and most outcrops occur along the roadside or can be easily reached by small boat. This volume includes information about accommodations and small boat rental, and a fascinating summary of the natural and local history.

[ Table of Contents ]

Published: 4/30/2012

ISBN Number: 9780813700267

Pages: 84

Product Category: Field Guides