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Northern Apennines in Emilia and the Apuan Alps (Italy)

Northern Apennines in Emilia and the Apuan Alps (Italy)

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Full Title: Deformation, Fluid Flow, and Mass Transfer in the Forearc of Convergent Margins: Field Guides to the Northern Apennines in Emilia and in the Apuan Alps (Italy)

Editors: Paola Vannucchi and Donald Fisher

The development of theories that link structure, material properties, and fluid flow to the secular variations of the seismic cycle is in its infancy. The importance of this linkage provided the motivation for a March 2012 GSA Penrose conference “Fluid Flow, Material Transfer and Deformation in the Forearcs of Convergent Margins” (Lucca, Italy, in the Northern Apennines). This volume, created for that conference, includes two field trips. One describes a two-day trip in the Ligurides and the other describes a one-day trip in the Alpi Apuane. Together, these field trips address convergent margin processes at a variety of depths within the subduction system.

[ Table of Contents ]

Published: 8/20/2012

ISBN Number: 9780813700281

Pages: 48

Product Category: Field Guides