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Insights into the Michigan Basin

Insights into the Michigan Basin

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Full Title: Insights into the Michigan Basin: Salt Deposits, Impact Structure, Youngest Basin Bedrock, Glacial Geomorphology, Dune Complexes, and Coastal Bluff Stability

Editor: Robb Gillespie

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This volume is a compilation of field excursions offered at the 47th annual meeting of the GSA North-Central Section, held in Kalamazoo, Michigan, May 2013. Early depositional events within the Michigan Basin are examined deep underground in the Detroit Salt Mine. Located in northwest Indiana, Kentland Quarry is the site of a Cretaceous-aged meteorite impact. This site permits surface examination of a similar impact event that occurred in now buried Ordovician-age rocks in Cass County, Michigan. The field trip near Grand Ledge, Michigan, examines Mississippian-aged fluvial deposits that have been traditionally classified as the youngest bedrock exposed in Michigan. Younger, recently identified, Pennsylvanian rocks are the subject of a core workshop at the Michigan Geological Repository for Research and Education in Kalamazoo. Three trips showcase the surficial geology of southwest Michigan: The first trip details the glacial landforms and sedimentary features formed by the differing dynamics of the Laurentide Ice Sheet’s Michigan and Saginaw lobes. The other trips follow the eastern Lake Michigan shoreline and examine sand-dune complex development and coastal bluff stability and erosion issues.

[ Table of Contents ]

Published: 4/19/2013

ISBN Number: 9780813700311

Pages: 148

Product Category: Field Guides