Full title: Geology of the Baraboo, Wisconsin, Area: Geological Society of America Field Guide
Editors: Richard A. Davis Jr., Robert H. Dott Jr., and Ian W.D. Dalziel
With its wide variety of geological features and phenomena packed into a small area, the Baraboo of south-central Wisconsin is among the most visited parts of the Midwest by geology students. This guidebook, the first comprehensive look at the area in decades, covers the spectrum of geological features present in the area, and it is useful as a teaching tool. An exceptional outdoor classroom, the Baraboo area contains a spectrum of geology, including excellent examples of geomorphology, glacial geology, structural geology, petrology, stratigraphy, and sedimentology. Ages of the strata range from 1.7-billion-year-old Precambrian to the Quaternary. The area has been studied for about a century, but it still holds surprises for professionals and students alike.
Published: 7/23/2016
ISBN Number: 978-0-8137-0043-4
Pages: 81
Product Category: Field Guides