Full title: Exploring Extreme and Unusual Geology in the Stable Midcontinent: Field Excursions for the 2019 GSA South-Central, North-Central, and Rocky Mountain Sections Joint Meeting
Editors: Marcia K. Schulmeister and James S. Aber
The flat-lying sedimentary strata of the North American midcontinent are typically thought of as uniform and predictable. However, midcontinent geology contains a record of exciting geologic events and processes. The papers in this volume examine four geologic phenomena associated with the continental interior: Pennsylvanian and Permian cyclothems, the origin of a massive Permian salt deposit, Cretaceous kimberlite intrusions, and Quaternary glacial geology. The guides cover processes and events that are unique to the geology of Kansas and highlight important economic and rich historical influences of these geologic features.
Published: 3/15/2019
ISBN Number: 978-0-8137-0052-6
Pages: 70
Product Category: Field Guides