Editors: Joan Florsheim, Christian Koeberl, Matthew P. McKay, and Nancy Riggs
The 2021 GSA Northeastern, Southeastern, joint North-Central/South-Central, and Cordilleran Section Meetings were held virtually in spring 2021 during continued restrictions on travel and large gatherings due to COVID-19. Eleven groups put together field guides, taking participants on treks to states from Connecticut to Nevada in the United States, to Mexico, and to Italy, and covering topics as varied as bedrock geologic mapping, geochemistry, paleodrainage, barrier islands, karst, spring systems, a southern Appalachian transect, Ordovician and Mississippian stratigraphy, high-energy events, Cretaceous arc granites and dextral shear zones, and Mesoproterozoic igneous rocks. This volume serves as a valuable resource for those wishing to discover, learn more about, and travel through these geologically fascinating areas.
Published: 9/24/2021
ISBN Number: 978-0-8137-0061-8
Pages: 289
Product Category: Field Guides