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From Terranes to Terrains: Pacific Northwest (2021 Guides)

From Terranes to Terrains: Pacific Northwest (2021 Guides)

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Full title: From Terranes to Terrains: Geologic Field Guides on the Construction and Destruction of the Pacific Northwest

Editors: Adam M. Booth and Anita L. Grunder

The eight field trips in this volume, associated with GSA Connects 2021 held in Portland, Oregon, USA, reflect the rich and varied geological legacy of the Pacific Northwest. The western margin of North America has had a complex subduction and transform history throughout the Phanerozoic, building a collage of terranes. The terrain has been modified by Cenozoic sedimentation, magmatism, and faulting related to Cascadia subduction, passage of the Yellowstone hot spot, and north and westward propagation of the Basin and Range province. The youngest flood basalt province on Earth also inundated the landscape, while the mighty Columbia watershed kept pace with arc construction and funneled epic ice-age floods from the craton to the coast. Additional erosive processes such as landslides continue to shape this dynamic geological wonderland.

[ Table of Contents ]

Published: 9/24/2021

ISBN Number: 978-0-8137-0062-5

Pages: 352

Product Category: Field Guides