Full title: Incremental Assembly and Emplacement of Mesozoic Plutons in the Sierrra Nevada and White and Inyo Ranges, California
Authors: Drew S. Coleman, John M. Bartley, Allen F. Glazner, and Richard D. Law
This field guide was created in coordination with the Geological Society of America Field Forum "Rethinking the Assembly and Evolution of Plutons: Field Tests and Perspectives," held 7-14 October 2005 in the Sierra Nevada and White and Inyo ranges, California. The goal of this five-day field trip was to examine field relations and characteristics of plutons in the central Sierra Nevada and in the White and Inyo ranges as they relate to processes of pluton growth and emplacement and, more particularly, as they relate to the hypothesis that plutons are assembled slowly and incrementally.
Published: 5/01/2005
ISBN Number: 9780813760315
Pages: 51
Product Category: EBooks