Tectonic Evolution of South America
Editors: U.G. Cordani, E.J., Milani, A. Thomaz Filho, and D.A. Campos
This CD contains 27 papers from field excursions held in conjunction with the 31st International Geological Congress (IGC), Rio de Janeiro, 6-17 August 2000. Covering mainly the two tectonic domains of the South American continent, the Andean Cordillera and the South American Platform, articles are divided into Pre, During, and Post-Congress field trips. Pre-Congress trips embody studies in the Parana Basin (southern Brazil); trips during the Congress relate to geological sites located not too far from the city of Rio de Janeiro; post-Congress trips focus on several economic geology themes.
High-quality material and the scientific level of these guidebooks, offered together in one complete CD-Rom, make this a valuable and economical addition to any geoscience collection.
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Published: 12/01/2000
Product Category: Field Guides