Full title: A Geologic Excursion through the Sierra Foothills Metamorphic Belt along the Historic Amador Central Railroad
Leaders: Jim Wood, Pete Holland, Matt O'Neal, Tim McCrink
Endorser: California Geological Society
Dates: Sat., 5 April, 2025
Location: GSA Cordilleran Section Meeting 2025, Sacramento, California, USA
Start Time: 7:00 AM
End Time: 6:00 PM
This fun field trip will traverse the Central Sierra foothills on vintage railroad track inspection cars (speeders) and visit exposures in railroad cuts to see the story of Mesozoic plate boundary collision, Early Cenozoic landscape denudation, and later episodes of sediment shedding under varying environmental and turbulent volcanic conditions. Cost includes transportation, train ticket, lunch, snacks, and water.
By purchasing this item, you are buying a seat on an in-person geological field trip
Please review these Field Safety Documents. You will be contacted to provide your consent to these forms after purchasing a field trip.
Learn more about this and other Cordilleran Section Events.
For additional information, please contact Rebecca Taormina, rtaormina@geosociety.org, GSA Field Trip and Short Program Coordinator.
Product Code: FT25CD7
Product Category: FTRIP