Full title: Shifting Sands and Anthropogenic Modifications along the Presque Isle Strandplain on the NW Pennsylvania Coast of Lake Erie
Leaders: Patrick Burkhart, Anthony M Foyle
Endorser: GSA Northeastern Section
Dates: Sun., 30 March, 2025
Location: GSA Joint Northeast/North Central Section Meeting 2025, Erie, Pennsylvania, USA
Start Time: 1:30 PM
End Time: 5:30 PM
Presque Isle is a spit of sand attached to the mainland that protects the shoreline of Erie, Pennsylvania, and contains myriad landforms, complex ecosystems, and intense natural beauty. It is also a museum of coastal engineering. This field trip is intended to inspire students learning about coastal critical zones. Cost includes transportation, snacks, and water.
By purchasing this item, you are buying a seat on an in-person geological field trip
Please review these Field Safety Documents. You will be contacted to provide your consent to these forms after purchasing a field trip.
Learn more about this and other Joint Northeast/North Central Section Events.
For additional information, please contact Rebecca Taormina, rtaormina@geosociety.org, GSA Field Trip and Short Program Coordinator.
Product Code: FT25NE13
Product Category: FTRIP