Full title: Early Use of Vermont Marble, and the Use of Other Domestic and Imported Stones over Two Hundred Years, in Erie, Pennsylvania
Leaders: Joe Hannibal
Dates: Mon., 31 March, 2025
Location: GSA Joint Northeast/North Central Section Meeting 2025, Erie, Pennsylvania, USA
Start Time: 8:30 AM
End Time: 5:00 PM
Because of its location along Lake Erie, stones from outside Pennsylvania, such as Vermont marble (used in 1839) and Medina sandstone, have been used in Erie since early in its history. This walking tour will look at these and many other stones used for two dozen of Erie’s most interesting stone structures. Cost includes snacks and water. Accessibility: This is a walking tour on city streets with some inclines and stairs.
By purchasing this item, you are buying a seat on an in-person geological field trip
Please review these Field Safety Documents. You will be contacted to provide your consent to these forms after purchasing a field trip.
Learn more about this and other Joint Northeast/North Central Section Events.
For additional information, please contact Rebecca Taormina, rtaormina@geosociety.org, GSA Field Trip and Short Program Coordinator.
Product Code: FT25NE9
Product Category: FTRIP