Full Title: Gravity Field of the Northwest Pacific Ocean Basin and its Margin: Philippine Sea (One Chart and Summary Statement)
Compiler: Anthony B. Watts
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Surface-ship and pendulum gravity measurements have been combined with land measurements in a new free-air anomaly map of the Philippine Sea. The map defines the main features of the free-air anomaly field associated with the island arc-trench systems that border the Philippine Sea. The Japan, Bonin, and Mariana island arcs are associated with narrow belts of large amplitude positive anomalies that reach a maximum value of +386 mgal and negative anomalies that reach a minimum value of -352 mgal. The map also defines the field associated with the marginal basins that comprise the Philippine Sea. The Shikoku and Parece Vela marginal basins are associated with positive anomalies in the range +15 to +25 mgal. The West Philippine basin is associated with a variable free-air anomaly pattern. The deepest parts of the basin (>6.1 km) are associated with negative anomalies in the range of 0 to -10 mgal.
Published: 4/01/1976
Pages: 6, plus 1 sheet
Product Category: Maps and Charts