Full Title: Paleoenvironmental maps of Pennsylvanian rocks, Illinois basin and northern midcontinent region
Author: Harold R. Wanless and Cynthia Roseman Wright
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Contains 165 maps. From abstract: Paleoenvironmental maps, based wherever possible on one record per township, were prepared for individual stratigraphic units in rocks of Pennsylvanian age in the Illinois basin and in the northern midcontinent region in order to determine (1) lateral stratigraphic variations and extent within successive lithologic units, (2) factors that controlled or affected stratigraphic variation and distribution patterns, and (3) environments in which various units were deposited. Units were mapped in the following stratigraphic sequences: the Carbondale and most of the Lisman Formations of western Kentucky; the Linton, Petersburg, Dugger, Shelburn, West Franklin, and Ditney Formations of Indiana; the Carbondale, Modesto, and Bond Formations of Illinois; the upper part of the Cherokee Group and the Marmaton, Pleasanton, Kansas City, Lansing, and Shawnee Groups of Missouri, Iowa, eastern Kansas and southeastern Nebraska; and the upper part of the Cabaniss Group and the Marmaton, Skiatook, and Ochelata Groups of northeastern Oklahoma...
Published: 6/01/1978
Pages: 200
Product Category: Maps and Charts