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Gravity Field of the Kuril Island Arc-Trench System

Gravity Field of the Kuril Island Arc-Trench System

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Full Title: Gravity Field of the Northwest Pacific Ocean Basin and Its Margin: Kuril Island Arc-Trench System

Authors: Anthony B. Watts, Mikhail G. Kogan, and John H. Bodine

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34" x 43" sheet. From the abstract: More than 13,700 surface-ship and pendulum gravity measurements have been combined with land measurements in a new free-air gravity anomaly map of the Kuril island arc-trench system. The map has been contoured at 25-mgal intervals, and gravity anomaly values have been annotated between contours. An analysis of gravity values at intersecting ship tracks suggests that individual measurements used in the map are accurate to about 7 mgal. The gravity map defines a narrow belt (about 120 km wide) of large-amplitude positive anomalies (≤+258 mgal) associated with the Kuril Ridge and a narrow belt (about 150 kill wide) of large-amplitude negative anomalies (≤−311 mgal) associated with the Kuril Trench. Gravity anomalies are generally near zero over the Sea of Okhotsk landward of the Kurll Islands and generally positive (≤+64 mgal) seaward of the Kuril Trench.

Published: 8/25/1978

Pages: 4, plus 1 sheet

Product Category: Maps and Charts