Full Title: Cross section of Alaska Peninsula–Kodiak Island–Aleutian Trench
Authors: R. von Huene, J.C. Moore, and G.W. Moore
Two 43" x 43" sheets. The U.S. Geodynamics Committee has sponsored preparation and publication of a series of cross sections across the nation's continental margins. The sections are presented at a scale of 1:250,000 without vertical exaggeration, and they include the basic data from which they were constructed. This section crosses a seismically active continental margin in the Gulf of Alaska that includes the Aleutian Trench, the Aleutian volcanic chain, and the intervening accretionary terrane. The geometry, tectonics, and style of deformation of the margin result from the convergence of an oceanic plate and a continental plate that are now moving perpendicular to the volcanic arc. Between the deepest earthquake foci of the Benioff zone and the oceanic trench are tectonic features that are common to other convergent ocean margins. The surface geology includes remnants of early Mesozoic to Holocene magmatic arcs, probably related to Benioff zones, and belts of deformed Jurassic to Neogene rocks composed of deep ocean, trench, and continental slope materials; these belts record the accreted growth of the continent. Modern plate convergence is indicated by thrust-fault first-motion determinations of major earthquakes and the relative convergence of the plates as deduced from global studies of plate motion.
Published: 9/01/1978
Pages: 3, plus 2 sheets
Product Category: EBooks