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Cross section of Sierra Nevada from Madera to the White Mtns

Cross section of Sierra Nevada from Madera to the White Mtns

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Full Title: Cross section of the Sierra Nevada from Madera to the White Mountains, central California

Authors: Paul C. Bateman

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Two 35" x 40" sheets. Introduction: The Sierra Nevada cross section extends N75°E across the Sierra Nevada, through Bishop, California, to the east side of the White Mountains. Its west end joins the east end of the cross section prepared by D. C. Ross, which extends from offshore of Point Sur to Madera. The cross sections meet at the southwest corner of the U.S. Geological Survey 1:250,000 series Mariposa sheet (lat 37°N, long 120°W). The east end of the Sierra Nevada cross section is at long II8°W. Altitudes along the cross section range from 90 m (300 ft) above sea level at the west end to 3,900 m (13,000 ft) where it crosses the Sierra Nevada divide. Pre-Cenozoic metamorphic rocks and granitoids are well exposed along the line of section, except at the west end where they dip under Cenozoic sediments, and in the down faulted Owens Valley.

Published: 9/05/1978

Pages: 4, plus 2 sheets

Product Category: Maps and Charts