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Geologic map and cross section, eastern Ouachita Mountains

Geologic map and cross section, eastern Ouachita Mountains

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Full Title: Geologic map and cross section, eastern Ouachita Mountains, Arkansas

Author: George W. Viele

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One 54" x 27" sheet. Abstract: A cross section extending from Mountain View, Arkansas, to the Chevron No. 1 Cabe well in Nevada County, Arkansas, transects the Ouachita folded belt. The northern end of the section, anchored on the Ozark uplift, shows the Precambrian basement dipping southward beneath a thin cover of lower to middle Paleozoic carbonate rocks and Carboniferous clastic strata. The clastic strata thicken southward into the Arkoma Basin, where south-dipping normal faults, active during Carboniferous deposition, offset them, as do later, northward-moving thrust faults. Still farther south the section portrays the frontal thrust fault belt of the Ouachita Mountains, where the basement and its cover of platform carbonate rocks descend to unknown depths and the Carboniferous strata grade into a thick (7 to 10 km) sequence of flysch. Also characteristic of this zone are negative gravity anomalies, northward-moving imbricate thrust faults, and, along its southern margin, a belt of broken formation in the Carboniferous flysch. The zone of broken formation flanks the Benton uplift, composed of Ordovician to Mississippian strata, divided on the cross section into a lower sequence of black shale, micrite, and Quartzite and all upper sequence of slowly deposited bedded chert and novaculite…

Published: 4/01/1979

Pages: 8, plus 1 sheet

Product Category: Maps and Charts