Full Title: Cross section of the Southern Coast Ranges and San Joaquin Valley from offshore of Point Sur to Madera, California
Authors: Donald C. Ross and David S. McCulIoch
One 50" x 40" sheet. From text: The onshore part of the cross section extends from Point Sur northeastward 186 km to the area of Madera, California, transecting the Coast Ranges and most of the San Joaquin Valley. The offshore segment extends 88 km along an east-west bearing. This section adjoins the section across the Sierra Nevada (compiled by Bateman, 1979), which has an easterly trend. Geologic interpretation of the cross section on land is by Ross, and the interpretation of the offshore seismic-reflection profile is by McCulloch…
Published: 4/01/1979
Pages: 4, plus 1 sheet
Product Category: EBooks