Full Title: Geologic summary of the central Klamath Mountains, California
Authors: Gregory A. Davis, Clifford J. Ando, Patricia H. Cashman, and Lee Goullaud
One 50" x 30" sheet. From text: The 1:62,500 geologic map and cross section of the central Klamath Mountains, California, departs from the standard 1:250,000 scale of most of the Plate Margins Working Group maps. The relatively small area treated has figured prominently in past interpretations of convergent plate tectonics along the western margin of the North American continent. In this area three of the four Klamath lithic belts or subprovinces originally designated by Irwin (1960) comprise a stacked sequence of thin, subhorizontal thrust plates separated by east-rooting faults of both middle Paleozoic and Jurassic age. Structural, stratigraphic, and chronologic relations among the several allochthonous units are described below and set constraints on theories of plate-margin evolution for this part of the Cordillera. For comparison with other cross sections in the series, cross section A-A' has been simplified and shown at 1:250,000 scale. In the following discussion major allochthonous assemblages are treated from east to west and from highest to lowest. A geologic road log describing units exposed in the north-central part of the map area has been published…
Published: 4/01/1979
Pages: 4, plus 1 sheet
Product Category: EBooks