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Cross section of the central Oregon continental margin

Cross section of the central Oregon continental margin

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Full Title: Geologic cross section of the central Oregon continental margin

Authors: P.D. Snavely Jr., H.C. Wagner, D.L. Lander

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One 35" x 40" sheet. From text: The tectonic, depositional, and magmatic history of Cenozoic sedimentary and volcanic rocks of the Oregon continental margin is interpreted as having involved episodic periods of underthrusting, transcurrent faulting, and extension between the Pacific (Farallon) and North American plates (Snavely and Macleod, 1977). In the Coast Range and on the adjacent inner continental shelf, more than 7,000 m of Cenozoic sedimentary and volcanic rocks accumulated in a marginal basin on a lower and middle Eocene oceanic crust. Eastward from the base of the slope to the inner shelf, upper Eocene and younger sedimentary deposits have been repeatedly deformed into a series of asymmetric folds and landward-dipping thrust faults across a 75-km belt during times of relative eastward motion of the Pacific plate. The geologic cross section of the central Oregon continental margin serves to illustrate that both compressional and extensional forces have operated during Cenozoic time…

Published: 4/01/1980

Pages: 7, plus 1 sheet

Product Category: Maps and Charts