Full Title: Geologic cross section of the Sierra Nevada and the Great Basin along 40°N. lat., northeastern California and northern Nevada
Authors: R.C. Speed and E.M. Moores
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Two 50" x 40" sheets. From text: The geologic map and cross section display generalizations and interpretations of lithic, structural, and geophysical relationships along a strip about 550 km long of the Sierra Nevada and Great Basin physiographic provinces. Within the northern Sierra Nevada, nonbatholithic pre-Tertiary rocks constitute four major subvertical belts, each of which is related to plate-margin tectonism. The easternmost of the four belts underwent at least four sequential tectonic-magmatic events in Paleozoic and Mesozoic time. Within the Great Basin, pre-Tertiary rocks are related to three regional allochthons: Roberts Mountains (Devonian-Mississippian), Golconda (Triassic), and Fencemaker (Jurassic-Cretaceous?) (Fig. 1). The first two probably resulted directly from arc-continent collisions, whereas the latter was generated within the Mesozoic continent by plate interactions farther west. Cenozoic basin-range tectonism, which encompasses all of the Great Basin, is apparently a product of Miocene and later plate-margin tectonics, but the mechanics are uncertain…
Published: 4/01/1980
Pages: 12, plus 2 sheets
Product Category: Maps and Charts