Full Title: Geologic cross section from the Sierra Nevada to the Las Vegas Valley, eastern California to southern Nevada
Authors: L.A. Wright, B.W. Troxel, B.C. Burchfiel, R.H. Chapman, and T.C. Labotka
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One 52" x 33" sheet. From text: The accompanying 250-km cross section and strip map span most of the width of the southern Great Basin. They extend from the Sierra Nevada batholith on the west. across a Mesozoic-early Cenozoic(?) north-trending anticlinorium, to the Mesozoic foreland thrust and fold belt on the east. Available seismic and gravity data indicate a westward crustal thickening from about 34 km beneath Las Vegas Valley to about 50 km beneath the Sierra Nevada.
Published: 4/01/1981
Pages: 15, plus 1 sheet
Product Category: Maps and Charts