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Map of Peru-Chile continental margin, Nazca plate sediments

Map of Peru-Chile continental margin, Nazca plate sediments

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Full Title: Part I. Bathymetry of the Peru-Chile continental margin and trench. Part II. Chemical composition of Nazca plate surface sediments

Authors: R.A. Prince, W.J. Schweller, W.T. Coulbourn, G.L. Shepherd, G.E. Ness, A. Masias, Jack Dymond, and John B. Corliss

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Part I includes nine 19" x 24" sheets. Part II includes one 19" x 22" sheet. From Part I text: The nine bathymetric charts in this series of maps are a compilation of individual maps by six different authors. In order to distinguish real changes in morphologic style along the trench and continental margin from those due to differences in contouring style among the several authors, the compiler (R.A. Prince) tried wherever possible to blend the maps into a uniform style. With the exception of a few minor changes necessitated by data acquired since some of the source maps were originally contoured, the interpretations of morphologic features by the authors have been retained… From Part II text: The Al, Si, Mn, Fe, Ni, Cu, Zn, and Ba compositional maps are based on analyses of 426 near-surface samples of Nazca plate cores. Many of the samples from the Peru-Chile continental margin are from the works of Krissek and others (1980). A subset of these samples (181 samples) was selected on the basis of their geographic coverage and compositional variations for Co analyses. Nearly all samples were taken from the 5-· to 1O-cm interval of gravity cores, although a few samples from deeper levels and from piston cores were used where this material was unavailable. All data have been corrected to a salt- and CaCO3-free basis. Salt was computed from the water content, and CaCO3 was computed from measurements of total calcium with corrections for pore-water Ca and noncarbonate Ca (Dymond and others, 1976)…

Published: 4/01/1980

Pages: 3, plus 10 sheets

Product Category: Maps and Charts