Full Title: Lake Superior Area - Bouguer Gravity Map and Total Magnetic Intensity Map
Compiler: Norbert W. O'Hara
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Two 37.5" x 23" sheets. From text: The Great Lakes region gravity and magnetic map sequence, illustrated in Map and Chart Series MC-37 through MC-4I, presents the Bouguer and total magnetic intensity anomaly data from the Great Lakes region at common scales. To facilitate the analysis and interpretation of the data, this paper discusses the preparation of the anomaly maps and summarizes their general geologic significance. Gravity and magnetic anomalies are strongly affected by the lithology of the igneous and metamorphic basement rock. Maps showing the gravity and magnetic anomalies illustrate trends and lineaments reflecting tectonic and structural relationships. Scale 1:750,000.
Published: 4/01/1981
Pages: 12, plus 2 sheets
Product Category: Maps and Charts