Full Title: Regional Geologic Cross-Section Series of Neogene-Quaternary Deposits, Louisiana Continental Shelf
Compiler: Gerald L. Shideler
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This regional cross-section series provides general information regarding the Neogene-Quaternary structural and stratigraphic framework of the Louisiana continental shelf in the northern Gulf of Mexico. For decades, the Louisiana shelf has been one of the most prolific hydrocarbon provinces in the nation, with oil and gas production being mainly from the Neogene-Quaternary section. As a result, several thousand offshore wells provide a voluminous amount of subsurface information for use in both local and regional geologic studies. Sedimentary deposits comprising the Louisiana shelf have been highly disrupted by pervasive fault systems and extensive diapiric activity, resulting in a structurally complex geologic province. Consequently, it should be emphasized that the present study is of a regional scope, and that many of the structural features illustrated by the cross sections are generalized. The cross sections are intended for use in regional basin analysis, rather than for applications such as resource or site evaluations that would require more detailed localized studies. Four black and white sheets, 42" x 58".
Published: 4/01/1986
Pages: 4 plus 4 sheets
Product Category: Maps and Charts