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Geologic Map of West-Central Grant Range, Nye County, Nevada

Geologic Map of West-Central Grant Range, Nye County, Nevada

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Full Title: Geologic Map and Descriptions of Stratigraphy and Structure of the West-Central Grant Range, Nye County, Nevada

Compiler: Joan E. Fryxell

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Two sheets, 29" x 25" and 20" x 40". Scale 1:24,000. From text: Rocks in the west-central Grant Range include lower Paleozoic sedimentary rocks, Cretaceous granite, and Tertiary volcanic and intrusive rocks. These rocks were affected by Mesozoic compressional and Cenozoic extensional deformations. Before Late Cretaceous time, the Paleozoic rocks were folded into a major east-vergent recumbent anticline, the lower limb was then metamorphosed. Granite intruded the folded and metamorphosed rocks in Late Cretaceous time. Parts of the granite and country rocks were deformed in a north-vergent ductile shear zone between Late Cretaceous and late Oligocene time. In late Oligocene, Miocene, and more recent time, brittle low-angle normal faults formed; the older ones dip east, the younger ones dip west. Tertiary extensional structures crosscut Mesozoic compressional ones and show no evidence for having been dependent on them. Ductile shearing has an anomalous north-directed orientation for either Mesozoic or Cenozoic regional deformation, and requires further study to understand its role in local or regional structural history. Brittle low-angle normal faults extended rocks in the Grant Range in a west-northwest to east-southeast direction, and appear to have been episodically active.

Published: 4/01/1988

Pages: 16 plus 2 sheets

Product Category: Maps and Charts