Full Title: Geologic Map of the Central Sector of the Mexican Volcanic Belt, States of Guanajuato and Michoacan, Mexico
Compilers: Giorgio Pasquaré, Luca Ferrari, Victor Hugo Garduño, Alessandro Tibaldi, and Luigina Vezzoli
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One sheet, in color, about 28" X 39" at scale: 1:300,000, with 20-page text. From text: In the states of Guanajuato and Michoacan (central Mexico), the Neogene-Quaternary Mexican Volcanic Belt (MVB) overlaps the older Oligocene to middle Miocene Sierra Madre Occidental (SMO) volcanic arc and a complex prevolcanic basement. The oldest rock units, exposed in the southern part of the area, are represented by Jurassic to Early Cretaceous volcanic and sedimentary assemblages probably deposited in an island-arc-marginal-sea system along the Pacific convergent margin. A Late Cretaceous terrigenous sequence belonging to the Tethyan domain crops out in the northern part of the area. All these rocks were involved In the Oregonian and Laramide orogenies in Late Cretaceous and Paleocene time and are locally covered by molasses-type continental deposits of probable Eocene age.
Published: 1/01/1992
Pages: 20 plus 1 sheet
Product Category: Maps and Charts