Compilers: Arthur W. Snoke, David W. Rowe, J. Douglas Yule, Geoffrey Wadge
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One color sheet, 65" x 44". From text: Tobago, West Indies, part of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, is at lat ~11°15' N and long 60°40' W. The island is a structural high composed chiefly of Mesozoic igneous and metamorphic rocks that forms part of the northeasternmost corner of the present-day South American continental shelf. It is located ~32 km northeast of Trinidad and is situated within the plate boundary zone between the South American and Caribbean plates. The Mesozoic rocks that are exposed on Tobago have no counterparts on Trinidad and are older than the exposed volcanogenic rocks or the Lesser Antilles and sedimentary rocks of Barbados. Tobago is the northeastern most exposure of the Caribbean mountain system, which can be traced eastward from the Cordillera de la Costa, north-central Venezuela, toTobago. The island of Tobago is part of the Tobago terrane of Speed and Smith-Horowitz.
Published: 6/01/2001
Pages: 24 plus 1 sheet
Product Category: Maps and Charts