Quaternary Fault and Lineament Map of Owens Valley, Inyo County, Eastern California
Compilers: D.B. Slemmons, E. Vittori, A.S. Jayko, G.A. Carver, and S.N. Bacon
This study investigates the active tectonic setting of the Owens Valley graben in the area of the great 1872 earthquake rupture along the Owens Valley fault zone. The area is critical for understanding the tectonics of the southern Walker Lane at the boundary between the Sierra Nevada block and Basin and Range Province. The report compiles known mapped Quaternary faults, provides a context for identifying fault sections, and rationale for delineating major structural blocks in the graben. Many new Late Pleistocene and Holocene faults, particularly west of the 1872 Owens Valley rupture are identified by special low-sun-angle photography. These structures accommodate part of the late Quaternary strain within the eastern California seismic belt.
Published: 3/07/2008
Product Category: EBooks