Full Title: Geologic Map of the Western Blue Ridge and Portions of the Eastern Blue Ridge and Valley and Ridge Provinces in Southeast Tennessee, Southwest North Carolina, and Northern Georgia
Compilers: J. Ryan Thigpen and Robert D. Hatcher Jr.
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This map represents a synthesis of southern Appalachian Blue Ridge and adjacent Valley and Ridge detailed geologic mapping by numerous authors. The western Blue Ridge in this region, which is bound to the northwest by the Great Smoky and Miller Cove Cartersville faults, and to the southeast by the Allatoona-Hayesville fault, preserves Neoproterozoic-Ordovician synrift, rift-to-drift, and platform rocks deposited along the southeastern Laurentian margin following the ca. 700 Ma rifting and ca. 565 Ma drifting of Rodinia, and Middle Ordovician clastic wedge rocks (Murphy belt) deposited during the Taconic (Ordovician) orogeny. Southeast of the Allatoona-Hayesville fault, rocks of the central Blue Ridge are dominantly composed of high-grade gneiss, schist, and amphibolite. East of the Chattahoochee Holland Mountain fault, the eastern Blue Ridge (Tuglaoo terrane) consists of the Ashe Tallulah Falls Formation and Grenville basement in the Toxaway and Tallulah Falls domes. Several Middle Ordovician to Mississippian granitic (granodiorite, some tonalite) plutons are also present. This sequence was originally deformed and metamorphosed ca. 455 Ma during the Taconic and then transported westward during the Alleghanian (Permian) orogeny. Approx. 36 by 74 inches.
Published: 7/14/2009
Product Category: Maps and Charts