Full Title: Geologic Map of the Central Wassuk Range, Western NevadaFOLDED FORMAT: 1 color plate (approx. 36" x 62") plus 10 p. text
Compiler: B.E. Surpless
The Geologic Map of the Central Wassuk Range, Western Nevada, displays the effects of large magnitude Middle Miocene extension related to Basin and Range deformation. Extension across the map area was primarily accommodated by multiple generations of east-dipping normal faults, which repeat sections of the Tertiary volcanic and sedimentary stratigraphy. The extensional strain rate for this middle Miocene event is comparable to the highest rates of strain documented in the Basin and Range province.
1 color plate (approx. 36" by 62") plus 10 p. text
Published: 10/19/2010
Product Category: Maps and Charts