Authors: A.C. Veatch
Studies on which the present memoir is based were started in connection with other investigations and grew out of the fact that some of the purely scientific results of geological field work by the writer, in the western parts of Angola and the Belgian Congo, from 1924 to 1930, and of that done under his supervision in the same region from 1919 to 1930 for the Companhia de Petroleo de Angola, caused him to review the work of others in the region to the east. This included not only published reports relating to the Congo Basin and adjoining regions, but also several important unpublished reports of investigations in the diamond region on the south side of the Congo Basin, which were made available through the courtesy of the Société International Forestière et Minière de Congo ("Forminière") and its affiliates. As this study progressed it became increasingly evident that there was need to assemble systematically the scattered facts and make them readily available, not only to those engaged in local studies in the Congo Basin, but to those working on related problems in adjoining areas as well as to those working on general problems…
Published: 8/01/1935
Product Category: EBooks