Full Title: Structural Behavior of Igneous Rocks (with special reference to interpretations by H. Cloos and collaborators)
Authors: Robert Balk
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During recent years, geologists have given increased attention | to the internal structures of igneous rocks. Studies have been greatly stimulated by the work of Hans Cloos and his school of geologists in Europe. Because of his acquaintance with this work, the writer was asked by Dr. Frank F. Grout, chairman of the Batholith Committee of the National Research Council, to summarize the present state of knowledge in this field and thus make it available to American geologists. This presentation outlines in detail the methods used, and some of the results attained, in Europe and in the United States. No attempt has been made to cover the entire literature on structural geology of igneous rocks, but the more important contributions are included…
Published: 7/01/1937
Product Category: Memoirs