Full Title: Radiolaria from the Kreyenhagen Formation Near Los Banos, California
Authors: Bruce L. Clark and Arthur S. Campbell
This paper lists and describes radiolarian assemblages obtained from the Kreyenhagen shales along the west side of the San Joaquin Valley in the Charleston School quadrangle near Los Banos, California. These deposits have a thickness of about 700 feet and consist mostly of organic shales. The samples were obtained from 12 stratigraphic horizons. These assemblages contain 104 species, a considerable number of which were originally described from the Sidney and Kellogg shales from the Mount Diablo and Byron quadrangles. The conclusion is that the zone represented by the Sidney shale is not represented in this section. The faunas from the lower assemblages suggest relationship to those in the Kellogg shales just below the Markley formation of the Mount Diablo area and that the other assemblages are probably intermediate between the Kellogg and the Sidney shales.
Published: 9/25/1945
Pages: 66
Product Category: EBooks